Dear Member February 18, 2019- Problem Solving

Dear Member February 18, 2019- Problem Solving

Dear Member February 18, 2019- Problem Solving

One of my favorite quotes is, " You can't solve a problem on the same level it was created on" Albert Einstein.
That is the truth, and especially for the entrepreneur. Every day a business owner or manager is confronted with the daily grind of managing the business. and also with every single aspect of the business including marketing, finance, employee relations, and on-and-on.  The list is endless.  Yet, thanks to the digital age and the onset of instantaneous information, owners and managers now have to be more fluid and responsive than ever.  But, how do you create that mode and mindset that pushes you into a new paradigm.
You may be aware of how you put yourself into a problem-solving mindset. If you take a few minutes to think about it, I bet you have a process that you use already whether it is at a conscious level or not. For instance, when I first started writing, I could only write from my bathtub office. Crazy huh? But the minute I was in that setting, the ideas flowed. Look,for example, at what runners  do before they run. They stretch and their mind goes into that mode.  Almost all of us, whether, we are consciously aware of it or not, do something to promote our thought processes and energize ourselves. When you understand how you process thoughts, ideas, or even problems, then, you can put yourself in that mode and open yourself up to new ideas and suggestions.   
Work hard, be productive, and above all else stay positive  
Peggy White 
Executive Director 
Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce

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